The Tintype Gallery

Charlie the Donkey

Four set tintype of Charlie

Children in Back of Old Pickup Truck

This is a 6 1/2" x 8 1/2" whole plate Ferrotype Tintype
from a "Camp Tintype" Portrait Weekend

More samples of John's work

More samples of John's work

Samples from the "Portraiture At Camp Tintype" weekends that John can do for you

6 1/2 x 8 1/2 ferrrotype of Mennonite school children

5x7 tintype of Dr. David

5x7 tintype of Dr. David

Half-plate size tintype of Jesse Mata in 19th century fireman's outfit

Small cased image of Civil War reenactor with cup and canteen



More samples of John's work

Here are photos of some of the cases that John makes

The following 4 tintypes were made by John at the 150th Anniversary Gettysburg Reenactment in June 2013

Tintype taken at the 2013 Gettysburg Reenactment

Back of tintype

Musician Chipper Thompson
Tintype taken at the 2013 Gettysburg Reenactment

Confederate Calvary Man
Tintype taken at the 2013 Gettysburg Reenactment

Civil War Reenactor in the 1990s
Tintype by John

Fall 2013 Sorghum Pressing
8x10 self portrait of J.C.

Half plate ferrotype in case made by John

The National Regiment at the 1997 Antietam Reenactment
Half-Plate Ferrotype
Prints from this plate are available. Please write for information.

Reenactor Cordell Kemmerer,
'C' Company, 53rd PA Volunteers

Ferrotype tintype taken at the 1997 Antietam Reenactment

Back of tintype
Showing authentic tax stamp

Self-portrait Ferrotype of John Coffer and his horse, Emma, running
the Sorghum press at Camp Tintype, neighbor's child on horse.

Back of sorghum press ferrotype

Following are several more examples of John's work
Many of the scans below show both the front and the back of the image to demonstrate the detail and authenticity John puts into all of his work. The stamps on the backs of the tintypes are original Civil War era tax stamps. Photographs were taxed during the latter part of the war. Also shown in these expamples are the backs of some albumen print card mounts, cover of letter press printed folder mounts, and little envelope sleeves for Ferrotypes. All of this just goes to show that John's work is authentically made to the core, front and back, and with all the correct trimmings.

Early 2007 Samples from "The Daily Tintype"

Various Tintypes from the Past Several Years