"Camp Tintype" Portrait Weekends


Yes, it is time once again for the world to have the opportunity to have a wet-plate collodion likeness made exactly how it was done in the 19th century.

For a complete, detailed, and sometimes colorful description of the portrait weekends, in John's own words, in a printable PDF document, please click here.


1/16th plate $95
1/9th plate $95
1/6th plate $95
1/4th plate (3¼ x 4¼) $105
1/2 plate (4¼ x 5½) $120
Whole plate (6½ x 8½) $185
5x7 plate $145
8x10 plate $270
11x14 plate: $570 for Ferrotype or $470 for Ambrotype
20x24 plate: $3820 for Ferrotype or $2820 for Ambrotype
Photo booth style 5x7 4 or 9 image plate $245
Photo booth style 11x14 15 image plate $670
Photo button Tintype (3½ diameter) $115
Albumen CDV $450, additional prints $120 each
Mounted Stereo Tintype $405
Albumen stereo print $770, additional stereo mounted albumen prints $245 each

Again, for the complete list of all products and services, including cases, jewelry, and archival wax recorded cylinders,
see the printable PDF document here.

Please write for reservations to:
John Coffer
CAMP TINTYPE Portrait Weekend
1236 Dombroski Road
Dundee, NY 14837

Check the Gallery Page for portraiture samples.

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