News and Information from Camp Tintype
Contents and What's New
"All-Around Wet-Plate" Workshops <<< Classes in Jul. & Sept. All classes are full!
"Just Tintypes & Only Tintypes" Workshops <<< Classes in Jun. & Aug. All classes are full!
The "Wooly Mammoth Plate" Workshop <<< Only available as a private tutorial in 2025.
The "Brownie Camera Safari" <<< Write for a date. Seats available as of 3/4/2025.
The "Negatives & Albumen Prints" Workshop <<< May 29-June 1. Class is full!
The "A to T Wet-Plate Safari" <<< Write for a date. Seats available as of 3/4/2025.
The REAL Wet-Plate Collodion Tintype Boot Camp <<< May 24th only. Seats available as of 3/4/2025.
Case Making Workshop <<< October 17-19. Seats available as of 3/4/2025.
Portraiture At Camp Tintype <<< Continues in 2025.
Private tutorials offered <<< Perhaps it is time!
2025 Jamboree - July 31-August 3 <<< John's Round-up of the 2024 Jamboree is here.
New video on YouTube <<< "John Coffer - American Tintype Revivalist"
The Photographic Van Museum is open <<< Now ready! See info here.
An article by John about Charles H. Tremear, his "Tintype Influencer"
Gear for sale at the WET-PLATE Gear Sale Barn <<< Many very rare items.
More of John's artwork is now offered for purchase <<< Do not delay on these rare pieces.
The "Doer's Guide" instruction manual and DVD set <<< Now includes a genuine Ferrotype tintype made by John.
Wet-Plate Collodion Follow-Up Kit <<< Highly recommended for all workshop students.
The "Enhanced Nuance" developing technique <<< Continues in 2025! Will be taught at any workshop.
The Workshops Troubleshooting HOT LINE <<< Continues in 2025! Given to ALL workshop attendees.
Free CFL Light Bank Primer <<< To anyone enrolled in any workshop or tutorial.
Original 1852 Holmes, Both, and Haydens Petzval design lens <<< Available for workshop students to try out.
What people are saying about Camp Tintype <<< Letters from workshop students and others.
Brief Overview of the Wet-Plate Process <<< Scan of a letterpress handout
Contact Information
Biographical & Camp Tintype Information <<< Including 21 reasons why Camp Tintype is unmatched!
Quarter-plate tintype of John Coffer in selfie mode.
James Weber's first crack at a wet-plate image at a 2012 workshop.
The "Little Red Cabin" on-site cottage is still available for free for workshop students
John now has an 8x10 cottage on-site for students to lodge in. There is no shower, running water, or toilet in it, but it's much nicer and more comfy than the teepee. It is available for $50 a night. True Glamping! The tents and teepee are still free, or pitch your own tent or park your RV. UPDATE: The cottage will be FREE again this year (2025). First dibs gets it for the weekend! Make your reservation now!
The "Little Red Cabin" |
History / Alt / Original 19th century |
One student policy
It can only be described as truly astounding and devoid of all conventional wisdom. That is: Camp Tintype’s only one student and the show still goes on policy. Yes, if you are the only student to sign up for a certain workshop, it will still be taught just like it was a full class for the same number of days, with the same content, and without any surprise surcharges. This has been our policy from the inception of Camp Tintype and we’re not going to change it. You can feel totally secure with making all the necessary reservations, travel plans, etc. knowing the rug will not be pulled out from under you at the last minute because the class didn’t reach a certain minimum enrollment threshold.
Tuition balance payment and No refund policy
Notice: The balance of the workshop tuition must be paid in cash upon arrival at Camp Tintype, or by check or money order 30 days or sooner before workshop time. I do not take credit cards, debit cards, or do electronic cash transfers. If you fail to arrive at the workshop for any reason whatsoever, there will be no refunds of any sort. Also, please make out all checks or money orders, including deposits, to "John Coffer".
Yet one more reason to attend a Camp Tintype workshop
John will now be offering Free Hamburger Night at all of this year's workshops. His own grass-fed, all-beef deluxe burgers grilled over the campfire. One of John's steers has been processed to provide over 300 pounds of all-beef, no fillers, burgers filling Anne's deep freezers. There's hamburger like they sell at Walmart and then there's Real Hamburger at Camp Tintype.
The Photographic Van Museum is now open!
The Photographic Van darkroom wagon was, for all intents and purposes, the rescue vehicle for the wet-plate collodion process. Without it, wet-plate would likely have sunk completely into oblivion. The little wagon that could! See the full information on this historic artifact here.
New items available to Workshop/Tutorial students
Pints of Ol' Workhorse, seasoned, ready-to-go-to-work collodion are now available to all workshop and tutorial students. The cash and carry cost is $130.00 for 500ml. Also available is light amber shellac varnish for $65.00 a pint.
Something new: The "Enhanced Nuance" Developing Technique
Same chemistry as always, but just a different, but critical for best results, work flow. John will show anyone the side-by-side comparison studies he has done. Brighter highlights and cleaner blacks is what you get. Hardly anyone is on to this method at this stage of things, let alone teaching it at any other workshops, in-person or on-line. Both the beginner and the struggling wet-plate shooting masses can benefit from this technique. Camp Tintype innovations just keep coming and now the game-changing "Enhanced Nuance" developing technique. Why learn any other inferior way?!!
The Camp Tintype Workshops Troubleshooting Hot Line.
Yes, that’s right! At the end of each workshop, all students will be given an exclusive phone number. After they get home, if they were to need any help or advice with anything pertaining to the wet-plate process, they can call or text me now. And, I might add, they won’t be talking to just a receptionist, but rather yours truly, the guy who kicked off the wet-plate revival in the early 1980’s and has been teaching and doing the process longer than anyone alive today. I will have the hot line phone in my pocket all my waking hours, seven days a week. Unlike the “institutions” and “non-profits” out there that teach rudimentary wet-plate, you’ll be sure to get instant feedback quick and fast, when you need it the most. Now try that hat on and see how ya like it!
Original Holmes, Both, and Haydens Petzval design lens available for you to try
Come shoot your first wet-plate collodion image through the lens of history! In our beginner workshops we start everyone out with a tintype shot through our beautiful cherry wood, faithful recreation of an early sliding box half plate camera with an original 1852 Holmes, Both, and Haydens Petzval design lens. Come channel the past and the future at Camp Tintype like no other place on the planet!
Portraiture at Camp Tintype continues
Due to the overwhelming response and unprecidented demand for true 19th century authentic wet-plate collodion photography, we are offering our totally unique portrait weekends again, but with thrice as many as ever before. Don't miss this "found nowhere else" opportunity while it should last! This service will continue to be offered by John only at Camp Tintype. For a detailed description and pricing, click here for the info.
Some of John's rare artwork is now for sale to the general public:
Rare gear for sale at the WET-PLATE Gear Sale Barn:
John has many rare items for sale here in the Gear Sale Barn. Many of which can only be had by workshop students and others who make the journey to Camp Tintype. Some of the items for sale include:
The New FREE CFL Light Bank Wet-Plate Demo and Wet-Plate by Enlarger Projection Pre-workshop Primer:
The late afternoon and evening of the day before the "All-Around Wet-Plate" or "Just Tintypes" workshop starts, we will be demonstrating the basic wet-plate process using, currently very popular, electric CFL lights. Also, you'll get a chance to see how a wet-plate print is made under a common film enlarger using a color slide. This should suffice to give the student at least the basics should they want to go down those paths at some point in time. We'll go on the next day to the more challenging, historically amazing, and useful in the field all things wet-plate when the workshop kicks in. Camp Tintype is and has always been the place that likes to cover all the bases, bring it down to earth, and especially likes to clear the air of all the smoke and clutter that pervades the wet-plate world today. And one more thing, we don't have big archival ink (inkjet) prints "eye candy" from scans staring down at you at every turn. Here at Ol' Camp Tintype, we only have the solid analog made stuff that you may have to go out of your way for a look at, or perhaps hold in your hand in a hand crafted Super Fine case, or peer at in 3D in the old stereoscope viewer, just like they did in the real deal wet-plate days.
"All-Around Wet-Plate" Workshops
Camp Tintype’s famous "All-Around Wet-Plate Workshop"
Yep, once again, and it’s the best yet! In this one we will be teaching the raw beginner, but also those with prior wet-plate experience who are seeking to expand their repertoire and skills. We will be making Tintypes and Ambrotypes, featuring the new Enhanced Nuance developing technique yielding the brightest possible highlights obtainable. No chemical shenanigans, just technique. That in itself is worth the price of admission. But, get this: you will be learning the new way to develop glass negatives giving you a negative density and tonal range perfect right out of the gate for snappy salt and albumen POP prints. No intensification by any chemical or redevelopment methods needed! No exotic collodion formula or souped up developer formula used either. This new method truly is the Holy Grail that the old guys and gals all wanted, but now, 170 years later, has been found! However, the common intensification methods will be demonstrated, if only so you know. Lots more game changer stuff will be demonstrated. Things like how to keep a plate wet and viable for up to an hour and a half without any loss in speed or dry down flaws. How to black japan Ferrotype plates for the ultimate in authenticity, uniqueness, richest blacks, and just plain creative fun, as with our famous Hobo Tintypes on recycled tin from cool graphic-adorned tin cans. All the various ways and materials to make Ambrotypes, reversed and non-reversed, and creating the best black backgrounds for the best presentations will be practiced and taught. Also, we have a huge inventory of beautifully restored original mid-19th century cases available for sale should you want to go all out and put one of your Ambrotypes or Tintypes up like the originals so often were.
It’s time to come be a part of the most progressive, yet at the same time, the most authentic wet-plate collodion workshop in the world! No brag, just fact. Class sized limited to a productive three.
Hobo Tin - front |
Hobo Tin - back |
The "Mammoth Plate" and "Pretty Big Plate" options are now available in this workshop!
See all the information about these options below in the "Just Tintypes & Only Tintypes" section.
****************** Now in our 30th year of teaching wet-plate workshops! ******************
Featuring four solid days of hands-on training in the making of:
2025 All-Around Wet-Plate Workshop Dates: Policy on Deposits for the Workshops:
Includes a comprehensive manual with instructional DVD set. Each student will receive "The Doer's Guide", a complete, 165+ page, fully illustrated workshop manual covering the entire wet-plate process, including the making of albumen photographs. Manuals can be purchased separately for $200.00 ppd. USA, refundable toward workshop tuition, and includes DVDs (4 hours total). The DVD set is available separately for $55.00 ppd. Contact John Coffer by regular mail for details. Note about the manual: Manuals will be shipped out immediately to students that have paid for the workshops in full before arrival to the workshop. Pay all, get the manual early. The manual will no longer be shipped to overseas or Canadian addresses. Don't delay - class size is limited to only 4 students
For details and registration, write: NOTE: Private tutoring is also available for $900.00 per day, with discounts for multiple days, as to your schedule and individual needs. I have more than 40 years experience as a professional wet-plate collodion portrait photographer and am well prepared to teach you the correct time honored methods that work consistently and the best. -JC
EXTRA! EXTRA! Free Play Day! |
"Just Tintypes & Only Tintypes" Workshops
Tintypes and nothing but Tintypes, so help me!
This workshop offers the beginning wet-plate collodion photography student the most popular and easiest way to get started shooting images today, namely what has come to be known as the Modern Tintype or Aluminotype. To be more exact: those positive collodion images done nowadays using the quick, super convenient, low cost, very hip, peal and pour aluminum trophy plates. Yes, it is a fact: some of the best known wet-plate artists in the world today use nothing but these plates. People like Joni Sternbach of Surfland fame, and Sarah Coulter of Paramount Pictures and her exciting portraits of the cast and crew of the hit TV series “Yellowstone” and it’s prequel “1883”. Both of these strong women are graduates of Camp Tintype workshops. Then there is Ian Ruhter of Silver & Light’s ultra big mammoth plate fame. This is just a very short list of those accomplished wet-plate artists who are totally dedicated to the Modern Tintype.
If you think that is what is going to be your bag, then this workshop is just the ticket for you. You will have a chance to shoot all the popular, as well as 19th century sizes, up to and including 8x10. As the workshop rolls into the second day and all have shot numerous plates under careful one-on-one supervision, each student will be assigned their own darkroom space and large format field view camera to shoot with. Most of these fine cameras have an option to buy on them, as well. What other wet-plate tintype workshop offers that to their students? But there’s more, way more! Students will also be shooting on authentic Ferrotype Tintype plates, as were the common plates of the 19th century. These shimmering jewels are extra, extra special beyond just their authentic sheet iron base. Their correct properly black japanned surface is capable of producing a deeper more striking image with richer warmer blacks as compared to the greyer, flatter blacks of the Modern Tintype. Like at no other workshop in the world, you will see how you can easily make these unique plates. This will also include the exciting and very cool Hobo Tintypes which are made from recycled tin cans. We like olive oil can tin with the graceful artwork on the back. Big fun and totally handmade American Folk Art!
There are numerous other things, which you will discover to be vital and indispensable on your up and coming wet-plate journey. Like making tintypes by projection, using a common darkroom enlarger, allowing you to print unlimited numbers of tintypes or ambrotypes from color slides or positive transparencies made from digital image files. This is the latest high tech infusion into the current wet-plate scene that is on track to make portraits using modern super expensive, bulky, retina searing mega watt studio strobe light set-ups a thing of the past. You should at least know about it. You’ll also have a crack at Spirit Tintypes and color tinting. Then there’s our beautiful Penny Picture Camera and our original iron head brace stands you are welcome to use to make photo booth style multiple portraits on a single 5x7 plate. Everyone has a world of fun with that and it is sooo 19th century!
If you want a cutting edge full emersion experience and not just the run of the mill outdated little taste of wet-plate tintype making workshop, then make the pilgrimage to Camp Tintype. Camping is Free, no ticks whatsoever here, no poisonous snakes or poisonous spiders, and virtually no mosquitoes. Honest! Bring your K-9 friend if you like too. Only at Camp Tintype!
Yes, it's true! Take any of the "Just Tintypes & Only Tintypes" OR "All-Around Wet-Plate" workshops and get a chance at shooting a 20"x 24" MAMMOTH! I have found that after the third day of my tintype workshops that a significant number of my students are ready and able to take on a Mammoth. All that you will have to provide extra is a $600 lab fee. This will allow you to shoot two 20"x 24" plates. So, how do you know you are ready? If you can shoot a decent 8x10, you can do this. Personally, I have been shooting 20"x 24" wet-plate collodion Mammoths since 2002. The first ever Mammoth Ferrotype Tintypes were shot here. Since then my Mammoths remain unchallenged and have been exhibited by prestigious galleries from coast to coast. So, you couldn't have a more experienced Mammoth plate teacher. We will work together in and out of my new walk in darkroom booth to ensure you will perform all the steps properly. For this first Mammoth Plate experience, we will be using the extremely easy and convenient Black Trophy plaque aluminum plates (AKA aluminotype or alumitype). With these ultra easy beginner plates it becomes mere child's play, except for using lots and lots chemicals! It's a great way to top off an unforgettable Camp Tintype workshop experience. No other workshop in the world could or would dare to offer this incredible opportunity! -JC
Note: You are responsible for the packing and transport of your Mammoths. I will not pack them and ship them for you. I suggest that you send a suitable box and packing materials ahead of your arrival if you plan to do this exciting option.
The Pretty Big Plate Option
If Mammoths seem just too big a leap or you would like a stepping stone up to them you'll love this option. For only an extra $300 lab fee you can shoot two 11x14 Aluminotype Tintypes. 8x10's are an option for any student who cares to try that pretty dang big plate size at no extra charge.
"Just Tintypes & Only Tintypes" workshops dates:
2025 Just Tintypes & Only Tintypes Workshop Dates:
EXTRA! EXTRA! Free Play Day! |
This class is sure to be productive and exciting!
We will be shooting both authentic Ferrotype tintypes, as well as the popular peel and pour, non-authentic (but great for practice) aluminotype tintypes, in sizes up to 8" x 10". Everyone will get a chance to black japan their own plates by the original baked on asphaltum paint method. Hand coloring will be practiced on plates of your choice for spectacular image results. Stereo tintypes and round badge tintypes will also be a couple fun options. Without a doubt more plates will be shot in this workshop than any other!
FAQ - Will we be making "Hobo Tins" (as mentioned in the All-Around Workshop section)?
Definitely! We do that for sure in this class. As stated earlier, because we get into black japanning our own plates in the workshops, we can black japan a variety of materials. That can easily be thin sheet steel or aluminum salvaged from metal cans such as cookie tins, popcorn cans, gun powder cans, etc., or even your favorite beer or soda pop cans. With this you can make tintypes with a wet-plate image on one side and the artwork and logo that is on the can on the back side. This will send your work over the top from being just a wet-plate image to being a genuine Americana Folk art piece. Only at Camp Tintype can you do such fun stuff with wet-plate!.
To sign up for this unique class, write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
"Wooly Mammoth Plate" Workshop
Another unique workshop at Camp Tintype
Once again Camp Tintype presents the world’s only mammoth plate workshop. In this special workshop, designed for the practicing wet-plate artist that would like to go BIG, you will be shooting an assortment of larger and larger plate sizes culminating with three 20x24 inch mammoth plates. Big glass is an option for an ambrotype or negative, as well as big tin for the usual tintypes. The plates for the Mammoth Tintypes will be the easily acquired modern trophy plate kind but with one important feature you are going to like and no one else has done for their aluminum mammoths till now. Added thick wooly hair? No! Something lots better - they will be black japanned! That’s how we get the ultimate in deep warm blacks that the plain trophy aluminum plates just can’t deliver. This is true whether it is a real ferrotype plate or, in this case, a black japanned aluminotype plate. We’ve decided to call them Wooly Mammoths. You heard it here first.
Come learn from the source. The first in the world wet-plate collodion Mammoth Plate Tintype was produced here at Camp Tintype by yours truly in 2003. Many more Camp Tintype mammoth plates followed and were shown at the finest of art galleries across the country. All were the exceedingly rare, of iron, Ferrotype Tintype Plate variety. Many other mammoth makers have since followed, but all have used either fragile glass or the plain, as it comes from the factory, peal and pour trophy aluminum. Be it known, no mammoth plate tintypes or ambrotypes were produced in the 19th century. It just made no sense as a business model. Only glass negatives were made that big. But that has changed dramatically in modern times, since the collodion wet-plate tintype has become fine art. Yep, I was the first to make that happen too. Like I said, come to the source! And the tuition cost includes all chemicals and materials. No "gotcha" lab fees or surprise plate purchase fees.
Here is the Mammoth Plate Camera at work:
"Wooly Mammoth Plate" Workshop dates:
2025 Wooly Mammoth Plate Workshop Dates: |
This specialized workshop will go quickly, so register soon.
To sign up for this unique class, write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
Brownie Camera Model T Ford Safari
The Brownie Camera Model T Ford Safari is here!!
This is NOT a deep Wet-Plate Collodion photography workshop. In this one we will be using factory made film and paper, but still it will be very much in keeping with the new antiquarian alternative photography movement ala the years just after the 20th century’s ”Spanish Flu” influenza pandemic, the roaring 1920’s. Yes, that’s right, the era when the Brownie box camera was the people’s camera. Just like the Model T Ford was the “universal car”. We’ll provide the cameras from the era as well as the cars: “Lula” our 1923 Model T touring car and “Nelly Brown” our 1929 Model A Ford Tudor Sedan. But, as often happens at Camp Tintype, there will be a unique twist. For cameras, yours or ours, that do not take common 120 black and white roll film, we will be making paper negatives using cut-to-size RC photographic paper. Yes, that’s right, paper negatives, which is in effect the “universal film”. It even fits our rare and long extinct for film size 180 degree Brownie panoramic camera, which you are welcome to take a shot with. Developing of our film and paper negs will be done and taught as well as black and white print making from them, be it silver prints or cyanotype contact prints. Also, period toning options and print spotting methods will be demonstrated.
The days will be busy but we won’t go hungry
We’ll make lunch stops at some of the area’s most renowned eating establishments such as Tabora, Jerlando’s, and the snack bar at the upper picnic and parking area of Watkins Glenn State Park. Well, maybe the snack bar isn’t that renowned but the other two sure are! This sunny side, in the fresh air three-day photo-vacation/experience, will be limited to just three students. Film and materials as well as a copy of a 1925 Brownie camera owner’s manual will be provided. No hidden lab fees! Be sure to see “Lula” the Model T in action on the video “T’ing at Camp Tintype” on this site. Total Fun!
This is a unique photo-vacation/workshop experience limited to just three students
2025 Brownie Camera Model T Safari Workshop Dates: |
To sign up, just write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
"Negatives & Albumen Prints" Workshop
The "Negatives & Albumen Prints" Workshop returns in 2025!
Back by popular demand and better than ever! This workshop is a dream come true for those ready to go beyond just tintypes and ambrotypes or have been struggling with inadequate on-line information and videos on the subject, resulting in less than optimum negatives and either flat or overly contrasty albumen prints. The glass negative and albumen print were the King and Queen of 19th century photography for a reason. The albumen print could be stunningly beautiful. They were clearly a step up from their predecessor, the salt print, and almost immediately pushed it aside. Only the most dedicated stalwarts to old process photography practice albumen print-making with a deep passion. It is a difficult, underappreciated, and labor-intensive endeavor. In fact, more than just a few have abandoned it because of the difficulties encountered along the way. Still, there is the magic of light on silver and, in the end, you’ll have a deep sense of pride of workmanship surpassing most other more popular and easily done forms of alt photography print making. But, have no fear. Camp Tintype to the rescue! As soon as you arrive at Camp Tintype, you’ll discover a great change is afoot as you learn the new ways to go about making stellar negatives and sweet albumen prints. You’ll find our methods are more direct, less time consuming, less laborious, more economical, and really do the job equal to the best of the best of the 19th century. I’m talking bullet proof negatives with optimum tonal range that do not require any intensification processing of any kind, and rich double coat glossy albumen prints that really pop will be yours. No high tech flimflamory here, or exotic collodion formulas, or sugared up developers, but rather common chemistry with new simple innovations that could have easily been done back in the day but just weren’t. But, should you ever need it, we will be teaching the most effective and safe ways to intensify a negative and even reduce an over-cooked negative. You will also learn many time-honored skills, like how to neatly mount and burnish an albumen print onto card stock, as nearly all were put up in the 19th century. Such things are not taught at any of the hipster party time workshops. ‘Nuff said. You’re only choice is to come to Camp Tintype. You’ll be blown away!
"Negatives & Albumen Prints" Workshop dates:
2025 Negatives & Albumen Prints Workshop Dates: |
Class is limited to four gifted students, so register soon.
NOTE: A free Doer's Guide Manual does NOT come with this specialized workshop. However, it can be purchased at Camp Tintype after your arrival.
To sign up for this class, write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
The "A to T Wet-Plate Safari" Workshop
Introducing a new and unique workshop!
There are wet-plate workshops in institutional settings, there are wet-plate workshops in the field, there are wet-plate workshops in hip foreign lands, there are even wet-plate workshops on boat "excursions", but there is only one Model A and Model T Ford Wet-Plate Safari Workshop!
Nothing else like it!
Yep, that’s right. Come to Camp Tintype for the best three days of your alt photography life shooting Ambrotypes and Tintypes up to 5x8 in size (which we often use for stereo views you are welcome to shoot) on locations that we will get to in Camp Tintype’s collection of 1920’s vintage Fords. These old girls are a blast to ride anywhere in, let alone with our in-the-field wet-plate gear on board, bound for the grandest of location work to be had in the world famous Finger Lakes country. Such places as the various scenic water falls in the area, canal locks, one room school houses, churches, ancient grave yards, and... well, you get the picture. Just a whole plethora to choose from.
All photos are 5x7 tintypes taken by Sara Coulter on location at Watkins Glenn State Park, Altay School, and Altay Cemetery.
Only 2 students per class
As in all our workshops all equipment and materials are provided. This workshop is for the experienced, pro-active shooter and will be limited to no more than two students. The first day will be about teaching you safari style wet-plate and getting you up to speed in the style of “Camp Tintype” here at base camp. The next two days we will be “safari days” traveling to locations in the Model A or Model T Fords. Only at “Camp Tintype”! Don’t miss out!
"Model A to T Wet-Plate Safari" Workshop dates:
2025 A to T Wet-Plate Safari Workshop dates: |
To sign up for this class, write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
Wet-Plate Collodion Tintype Boot Camp
The Real Wet-Plate Collodion Tintype Boot Camp
That's ?????????? a Tintype Boot camp? You got to be kidding me! You know, the one up at the great monolithic ivy clad institution to the North. The one with the limited day where they pretty much rush you in and out and gouge you for a non-authentic aluminotye tintype face blaster portrait, shot by a docent, who will send you off with a generalized pamphlet overview of the process. Why would anyone waste their time with such mediocrity, when, only ninety miles south of Rochester, in the heart of the beautiful Finger Lakes country, one can have a Real Deal Tintype Boot Camp day for only $350.00. Here at legendary Camp Tintype you can get a natural light lit authentic 5x7 Ferrotype Tintype or 5x7 glass Ambrotype portrait and a whole lot more education for your hard earned money. To be sure, you'll be able to follow the process in and out of the darkroom to see in detail how it works. You can even pour the collodion on your own plate if you like. Just takes a few minutes of practice using our collodion and plates kept aside for that purpose.
But wait, there's more than just what meets the eye to be had here at Camp Tintype.
If you're so inclined and the extra adventurous sort, for a scant $150 more you can even make an analog, non-electric, all acoustic audio recording of yourself. Speak, sing, play music or all of that into the recording horn of our 1906 Edison Home talking machine and make an archival 2 minute wax cylinder record for you and all posterity. Take it home in its own velvet lined original or period correct tube. But before you do that, hear immediate play back on the Edison with its unique crackly in the distant past sound. Capture it on your phone and send it and your Tintype likeness instantly to friends and family. Think about it: Enjoying a historic retreat experience, archival portrait, and archival sound recording all in the same day, where else but Camp Tintype?
Clearly it can't get any better than that! Well it can.
How about a free ride through the horse and buggy Mennonite farm country, in our 1923 Model T Ford touring car "Lula" (weather permitting) to top it all off. And double better: Free Camping! Yes, really. Bring your own tent, RV, or use one of our tents or teepees if you want to stay overnight here on the grounds and talk wet-plate into the night by the glow of the evening campfire with the guy who kicked the whole wet-plate revival movement off over thirty-six years ago and has been teaching and doing it continuously longer than anyone alive today.
Be very much advised:
If you are really serious about taking up wet-plate collodion photography, you must have the best and most complete manual on the subject ever written, the world acclaimed Doer's Guide to Wet-Plate Photography complete with its four hour video DVD set. Get it while you are here and save ten bucks on shipping. Also, we can supply you with, the best to be had anywhere, Wet-plate chemistry starter kit to take home with you (not for air travel, of course), plus cameras, lenses, and other various pieces of vital equipment we have on hand for sale. So, yeah, Tintype Boot Camp? How could there be any other choice but Camp Tintype. Come one come all!
P.S. Bring your boots.
Here is our special Boot Camp Day for 2025:
2025 Tintype Boot Camp Date: |
Give us a heads-up by mail that you plan to attend.
To sign up for this class, write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
"Case Making" Workshop
The one and only Case Making Workshop!
In this class, you will be shown how I make my unrivaled, correct to the finest detail, late Ambrotype/early Tintype era super fine cases. Just what you need for the display and protection of your finest Ambrotypes or Ferrotype Tintypes. This workshop is not about making cheap plastic polymer resin cast, gaffers tape hinged factitious cases that look good online or at about six feet. No! This class will be about the making of real deal embossed leather covered wood frame, with true metal mat and preserver, embossed velvet pinch pad, early 1860’s style cases. You’ll find that these babies look and feel right even upon close inspection and handling. Each student will see all the steps in the making of these exquisite cases and will go home with one of my Super Fine Cases in the popular in the era quarter plate size. You will also learn about the restoration of original cases and tips on making cases from salvaged original parts. We will be working out of the letter press Print Shop, along-side vintage printing presses that figure into the various steps in the manufacturing process. Rest easy, as various options for the making of dies and doing embossing will be explained and explored. Yes, all my secrets and innovations after over twenty-five years of making cases will be revealed in detail! The needed sources of equipment and supplies will be shared, as will pattern sheets for the common case sizes from 9th to ½ plate. This class is limited to only two students. Granted, very few in the wet-plate community have any desire to make cases, but if you are a lover of the extraordinary, and not one to follow the pack, then we’ll see you in October!
"Case Making" Workshop dates:
2025 Case Making Workshop dates: |
Another Camp Tintype exclusive
Sign up today! Just write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
Private Tutorials with John
Perhaps it is time for a
The price is right! At $900.00 per day (with discounts for multiple days - see below), it is the lowest in the wet-plate and alt photography instruction field. Factor in that you are welcome to camp here in your own tent or RV or in one of our own classic tents or teepees for FREE and it becomes dirt cheap. You will always get more for your buck at Camp Tintype and a private tutorial is no exception. Be prepared for a solid ten hours of instruction. We start at 9:00AM and go till noon, take a quick half hour lunch break, continue shooting and working till 5:30PM, have a two hour dinner break, and then work till 10PM.
Customize your tutorial experience as you like!
Are you a first time wet-plater? No problem, we can get you pouring fine plates the first day, lickity-split. Been at it for awhile but have hit some bumps in the road? It might only take one day to get you on the right track and smooth things out. Have you been wanting to go really big or exotic? How about 20x24 Mammoths? These monster size plates will require an extra lab fee of $400 per day. There are no extra lab fees for anything else. You can learn to make relievo-variant ambrotypes, do wet-plate by projection, get into letter press printing your own card mounts, move on up to negative and albumen paper making and printing, and other numerous options and combinations, many of which would be only open to you as a tutorial student. Just let me know what your interests and priorities are and when you'd like to come out. The warmer half of the year is preferred, and also times not conflicting with workshop and Jamboree dates.
Student with her own mammoth plate
Don't miss this exciting opportunity.
You are welcome to arrive and settle into camp or check in in the afternoon of the day before, and make a leisurely departure the following morning after your last tutorial day. Lastly, there is something to be said for having studied under the man who kicked off the modern wet-plate movement.
This is a learning experience like no other!
Sign up today! Just write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
Manuals and DVDs Now Available
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This manual has cost me way more money than it's made. Why? Because it's so utterly thorough and complete. And especially so, with its three and a half hour instructional DVD set included with it! Many a would-be wet-plate photographer has bought it, taught themselves the process, then gone onto making award-winning wet-plate images without ever setting foot in my workshops or anyone else's, for that matter. That said, do keep in mind that a workshop experience at "Camp Tintype" is something beyond just a workshop. It is a life changing experience. -JC
The Doer's Guide to Wet-Plate Collodion Photography and Albumen Paper and Print Making, plus complete DVD Set
The "Doer's Guide" and Complete Wet-Plate Instructional DVD Set cover all aspects of wet-plate photography, including chemical mixing, managing, and maintaining. The new "Doer's Guide" for 2024 is ever larger and will now even include a for real Ferrotype tipped into it made by the author. Correctly 1860's style metal matted, as well. A true collectors item and the most up-to-date manual on wet-plate in the field in the world.
The Doer's Guide to Wet-Plate Collodion Photography manual, with the complete DVD set, is available for $200.00 ppd to US addresses only. $190.00 if bought at "Camp Tintytpe".
For those that would like just the updated version of the manual only, without the DVD set, it is available for $190.00 ppd to US addresses only. $180.00 if bought at "Camp Tintytpe".
Genuine Ferrotype plate and Albumen print made by the author are now included with the "Doer's Guide"
The Doer’s Guide to Wet-Plate Photography manual now comes with not only an original one-of-a-kind actual Ferrotype Tintype shot by the author, but also a newly-made sample double-coat albumen print, card mounted, made from a wet-plate collodion negative all by the author. Why? It is that important that the student, and the world, for that matter, see, feel, and touch the real McCoy!
Actual 19th Century Tintype now comes with the Doer's Guide
New for 2024: Now the manual will come with one actual 19th century Tintype, as well as the newly made Ferrotype Tintype and the Albumen CDV mounted print of John's making, as shown above. All of this so you will be fully immersed in the "Real Thing" at the beginning of your wet-plate journey.
Suitable for Framing: Wet-Plate History and Fact Sheet
Painstakingly composed in 1988 and small run letter press printed by this author using hand set lead type and period metal cuts.
The Take-Away: It comes FREE with the manual. Order the one, the only Doer’s Guide today!
Here are some Questions & Answers about ordering manuals:
And last, but not least:
Here is an unsolicited letter of endorsement for this manual and DVD.
To order any of the above material, write to:
John A. Coffer
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
Your Wet-Plate Collodion Follow-Up Kit
Finally, a reliable kit for the beginning wet-plate workshop student
You are now able to take this home for an uninterrupted flow of wet-plate fun!
For only $500.00, this kit includes the following:
NOTE: The kit absolutely does NOT contain an alcohol burner spirit lamp, otherwise known as the "Molotov Cocktail of wet-plate photography." (Read my Myth Busters article to get details as to why it's gotten that tag.)
This kit is only available to workshop & tutorial students at "Camp Tintype"
No other workshop or tutorial anywhere offers this extra service. Yet another reason why "Camp Tintype" workshops are the Best!
Jamboree 2025 - July 31, August 1, 2, & 3
JAMBOREE 2024 Roundup, by John
The 2024 “Wet Plate Collodion Jamboree” is now long in the Model T’s rear view mirror but the memories of it still remain fresh in everyone’s mind. All agreed it was one of the best we have ever had! Over sixty folks were here from all across the North American continent. Special thanks to all who donated the largest selection of wet plate related items to “Brownie’s Mega Raffle” we’ve yet seen. And of course it wouldn’t be THE Jamboree without the fabulous banquet provided by Artcraft Chemicals and friends, especially the ladies who prepared and served all that super good food. All Free, as usual for us but a lot of hard work for them. Thank you! Thank you!
Live music? You bet! Crystal and her fiddle, Scott and his guitar and always the great Troy Bennett center stage around the evening campfire. And oh! There was the “Shootout” as has become an ongoing happening at the Jamborees. If you don’t know what that is, well than you’ll just have to come find out at this year’s Jam or next year’s.
Be aware that Jamboree 2026 will be the twenty-fifth and last one. I started it and while I’m still able, I will end it in good order at the quarter century mark. It’s been a fine run but a big thing for this old guy to put on year after year. I expect there will be upwards of eighty wet plate shooters at this year’s Jam and more international attendees than ever before. And as strange as it may seem in this grab for all you can grab for world, attendance and camping will be the usual FREE! of charge. Just drop me a note and let me know you are coming. Yea, a note, as in U.S. Mail.
This year’s 2025 Jamboree will be July 31, August 1,2,3. It will be dedicated to the "Charlie’s". That is: Charlie the resident Camp Tintype donkey and, out of Tintype History, Charlie Tremear. Look here for a fine bio written on Tremear.
Bring carrots for furry Charlie and we’ll see you at the 24th Jamboree! -JC
The Shootout |
Charlie the Donkey |
2024 Jamboreers, don't forget...
...if you have any photos or scans of your plates that you would like to see on John's website, please email them to the Webmaster. And keep watching for 2025 announcements and updates!
For more information and authorization to attend the next Jamboree, please write to:
John A. Coffer
"Camp Tintype"
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
Contact Information
E-mail address:
John's email address is: or click here to email John.
Please note that since John does not use Internet access at Camp Tintype, all email sent to this email address will be
printed and mailed to John every couple of weeks. To receive a reply from
John (by mail) as soon as possible, please include your mailing address in the email.
It will, of course, be faster to write and mail him a letter directly. Send letters to…
Mailing address:
John A. Coffer
"Camp Tintype"
1236 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY 14837
Please rest assured that although John does not use the Internet himself at Camp Tintype, that is by choice. Students should have no problem accessing cellular service, and thus Internet access, and are encouraged to bring mobile devices, cell phones, laptops, digital cameras, etc. They can even be charged up via solar panels on-site. You may also shoot digital stills and videos all you want.
John, however, prefers to long-distance communicate and do business by good old reliable U.S. mail. You'll be surprised at just how fast, fun, and more personal it is. Send inquiries, workshop deposits, and manual orders (check, money order, or cash) to the above mailing address.
Why U.S. Mail?:
Here is an interesting perspective on why John prefers to use the U.S. Mail for correspondence. This story was published recently in the USPS newsletter. To read it, click here.
Biographical & Camp Tintype Information
John Coffer and his old traveling horse, Brownie, at Camp Tintype.
Albumen print from a wet-plate collodion negative. ©2001 by John Coffer.
He began offering his, now famous, three day wet-plate collodion photography in the field workshops in the summer of 1996. Since then, to keep up with the demand, he has had to schedule steadily more workshops each year and is, also, increasingly busy with private one-an-one tutorials.
Here is an unsolicited letter of endorsement for this manual and DVD.
Note: There are no phones or E-mail at "Camp Tintype".
is, by preference, done by mail. Write:
John A. Coffer
"Camp Tintype"
1236 Dombroski Road
Dundee, NY 14837
Website updated on: 3/4/2025
For comments and suggestions regarding this website,
please send email to the Webmaster.